Check out the 3D models from Salvo The Game HERE.
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In Development for XBox One, PC/Steam, PS4
So they tell me you want to be a Salvo. Sure about that? You know, being a Salvo you travel across the universe to find spots of potential right? That’s months of traveling between sectors. Hard labor. Dangerous. Once you’re there you’re hopping out into absolute nothingness drifting from asteroid to asteroid, from salvage to salvage…and sometimes, sometimes you’ll need to fight for what’s yours. Never underestimate the usefulness of a well aimed Beacon.
Mass Driver
Generalist Class that is commonly contracted by SalvaCo. The Mass Driver is equipped to bring in large masses of material at once. The Mass Driver has higher Energy but longer recovery on Shield and Energy.
Primary Tool: Pulsator Beacon Spike
A larger version of the normal Beacon that once deployed set off, an EMP to wipe any hostile Beacons off of the target asteroid and sends the target back to the Anchor at a fast rate.
Demo Unit
Salvager’s explosives and demolition experts. Demo Unit heaviest Class that uses heavy armor and tools that cause asteroids to deconstruct and explode. Demolition has high Shield but low movement and Jetpack speed.
Primary Tool: Sonic Resonator Drill
The Demolition’s gadget. Once deployed onto an asteroid the platform sends a resonating drill into the asteroid that uses frequency to cause the asteroid to crack and fall apart sorting the asteroid’s material into more manageable chunks.

Technical class that normally works with transport of assets. The Operator is equipped with advance technology and the transport of salvage at a quick pace. The Op Corps has more Energy but less Shield.
Primary Tool: Graviton Vortex Deployer
The Op Corps’ gadget. On deployment it activates a gravitational vortex that sucks in small asteroids and compacts them into a larger asteroid for convenience instead of transporting several smaller loads.
The Surveyor’s Gadget let’s them see inside potential salvage. They’ll tell you if there are valuables inside or potential damage from explosives or corrosive materials.
Primary Tools: Salvage Composition Scanner
With this device, the salvager scans an asteroid to determine its material composition, contents and any hazards it may contain. The player can see without a doubt what the asteroid contains and where the team needs to focus their attention for gathering salvage.
Team Play
If the team during a multiplayer match utilizes each class they will receive bonuses for working together. Always having one member of each class in a game is highly recommended.
Primary Tools: Each Class represented on a Team will wield their respective Primary Tools.

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