Salvo: Space Repo 3D Model Views

Check out the 3D Models from Salvo: Space Repo using the Marmoset VIewer.  To start, click on the PLAY button for the model you want to view. When the model loads you can Rotate (Left Mouse Button), Move (Right Mouse Button) and Zoom in and out (Scroll Wheel/Track) to view the model detail. Click on the [\\\] icon to see the mesh and texture layers. Note that these files can be 40-60 Megs each.

We will post more models as we set them up for the viewer.  Enjoy!

Anchor Tier 2

Destroyed Maka Prime Station

Salvo Tier 1 Space Ship

Salvo Tier 3 Space Ship

Salvo Tier 1 Female

Salvo Tier 1 Male

Anchor Tier 3

Salvo Tier 2 Space Ship

Salvo Tier 2 Male

Salvo Tier 3 Female

Salvo Tier 3 Male

Salvo Tier 2 Female